Displaying 301 - 400 of 432
# | Agency | Scheme | Nickname | Is this Major Adjudication? | Verified by Agency | Types of Adjudication | |
301 | Equal Employment Opportunity Commission | EEOCDEBT0004 | Debt collection | No | Verified | Type A, Type B | |
302 | United States Election Assistance Commission | EACODBAR0001 | Nonprocurement debarment and suspension | No | Not verified | Type B | |
303 | Delta Regional Authority | DRAOZERO0001 | N/A | Verified | |||
304 | Department of Veterans Affairs | DOVASUSD0008 | Nonprocurement suspension and debarment | No | Not verified | Type B | |
305 | Department of Veterans Affairs | DOVAPROC0009 | Procurement suspension and debarment | No | Verified | Type B | |
306 | Department of Veterans Affairs | DOVAPFCR0007 | Program Fraud Civil Remedies | Yes | Not verified | Type A | |
307 | Department of Veterans Affairs | DOVAOFFS0010 | VA salary/administrative offset and administrative wage garnishment | No | Verified | Type A, Type B | |
308 | Department of Veterans Affairs | DOVANOND0006 | Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs | No | Not verified | Type A | |
309 | Department of Veterans Affairs | DOVAEMIG0002 | Termination of grants under the Exchange of Medical Information Grant Program | No | Verified | Type B | |
310 | Department of Veterans Affairs | DOVADEPD0003 | Reduction in subsistence allowance following loss of dependent | No | Not verified | Type B | |
311 | Department of Veterans Affairs | DOVACOEA0004 | Administration of educational assistance programs | No | Verified | Type B | |
312 | Department of Veterans Affairs | DOVACARE0001 | Revocation of VA approval of community residential care facilities | No | Not verified | Type B | |
313 | Department of Veterans Affairs | DOVABURI0005 | Prohibition of interment/memorialization of those who committed capital crimes | No | Not verified | Type B | |
314 | Board of Veterans' Appeals | DOVABENE0001 | Benefits adjudication before the Board of Veterans' Appeals | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
315 | Department of Veterans Affairs | DOVAACCR0011 | Termination of accreditation or authority to provide representation | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
316 | Department of Transportation | DOTRTOLL0015 | Joint Tolls Review Board proceedings (St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corp.) | Yes | Not verified | ||
317 | Department of Transportation | DOTRSHIP0014 | St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corp. enforcement proceedings | No | Not verified | Type B | |
318 | Department of Transportation | DOTRSECR0013 | Program Fraud Civil Remedies | Yes | Not verified | Type A | |
319 | Department of Transportation | DOTRSCBS0012 | Federal Transit Administration school bus violation proceedings | No | Not verified | Type B | |
320 | Department of Transportation | DOTRPRFR0011 | DOT Program Fraud and Lobbying Violation hearings | Yes | Not verified | ||
321 | Department of Transportation | DOTRPIPE0010 | Hazmat order petitions for review | Yes | Not verified | Type A | |
322 | Department of Transportation | DOTROOSE0009 | Office of the Secretary | Yes | Not verified | Type A | |
323 | Department of Transportation | DOTRNPRC0008 | DOT Nonprocurement suspension & debarment proceedings | No | Not verified | Type B | |
324 | Department of Transportation | DOTRNHTS0007 | NHTSA proceedings | Yes | Not verified | Type A | |
325 | Department of Transportation | DOTRMERC0006 | Merchant Marine Act/Merchant Ship Sales Act proceedings (Maritime Administration) | Yes | Not verified | ||
326 | Department of Transportation | DOTRFRRA0005 | Railroad Hazmat civil penalty assessment | Yes | Not verified | Type A | |
327 | Department of Transportation | DOTRFMCS0004 | Fed. Motor Carrier Safety Admin. civil penalty enforcement proceedings | Yes | Not verified | ||
328 | Department of Transportation | DOTRFAAD0003 | Protest adjudication | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
329 | Department of Transportation | DOTRFAAD0002 | Federal Aviation Administration violation proceedings | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
330 | Department of Transportation | DOTRFAAD0001 | Federal Aviation Administration violation proceedings | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
331 | Department of Transportation | DOTREMPL0019 | DOT Post-employment enforcement proceedings | No | Not verified | Type B | |
332 | Department of Transportation | DOTRDEBT0018 | DOT Debt collection proceedings | No | Not verified | Type B | |
333 | Department of Transportation | DOTRCVRT0017 | DOT civil rights proceedings | No | Not verified | Type B | |
334 | Department of Transportation | DOTRCHRT0016 | Federal Transit Administration charter service violation proceedings | No | Not verified | Type B | |
335 | Department of State | DOSPFCRA0008 | Program fraud civil penalties | No | Not verified | Type A | |
336 | Department of State | DOSPASSP0003 | Passport revocation/denial | No | Not verified | Type B | |
337 | Department of State | DOSOSUSD0011 | Nonprocurement suspension/debarment | No | Not verified | Type B | |
338 | Department of State | DOSOSOFF0007 | Debt collection | No | Not verified | Type B, Unknown | |
339 | Department of State | DOSONOND0009 | Nondiscrimination in federal assistance | No | Verified | Unknown | |
340 | Department of State | DOSOCWCO0005 | Chemical weapons appeals | No | Not verified | Type A | |
341 | Department of State | DOSOCSGO0002 | Civil service grievances | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
342 | Department of State | DOSFSGBA0001 | Foreign Service Grievance Board | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
343 | Department of State | DOSFARSD0010 | Procurement-related suspension/debarment actions | No | Not verified | Type B | |
344 | Department of State | DOSAVATT0004 | Beirut Agreement - authentication of Audio-visual materials | Yes | Verified | Unknown | |
345 | Department of State | DOSARMSC0006 | Arms control enforcement | No | Not verified | Type A | |
346 | Department of Justice | DOJXVCFX0009 | September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Appeals | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
347 | Department of Justice | DOJXRECA0007 | Claims Under the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act ("RECA") | No | Not verified | Type B | |
348 | Department of Justice | DOJXPUBF0017 | Prepublication Review for FBI Employees | No | Not verified | Type B | |
349 | Department of Justice | DOJXPUBD0016 | Prepublication Review for DOJ Employees (Non-FBI) | No | Not verified | Type B | |
350 | Department of Justice | DOJXPSOB0013 | Public Safety Officer Benefits | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
351 | Department of Justice | DOJXNEWS0012 | Newspaper Preservation Act Hearings | No | Not verified | Type A | |
352 | Department of Justice | DOJXIDEA0011 | DEA Informal Enforcement Proceedings | No | Not verified | Type B | |
353 | Department of Justice | DOJXEOIR0003 | EOIR Immigration Practitioner Disciplinary Proceedings | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
354 | Department of Justice | DOJXEOIR0002 | OCAHO Non-removal Hearings | Yes | Verified | Type A | |
355 | Department of Justice | DOJXEOIR0001 | Immigration Judge Hearings | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
356 | Department of Justice | DOJXDRUG0008 | Civil Penalty for Possession of Controlled Substances | Yes | Not verified | Type A | |
357 | Department of Justice | DOJXCLAS0014 | Classified Information - Denial and Revocation of Access | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
358 | Department of Justice | DOJXBOPP0006 | Bureau of Prisons - Psychiatric Care and Hospitalization | No | Not verified | Type B | |
359 | Department of Justice | DOJXBOPD0004 | Bureau of Prisons - Disciplinary Hearing | No | Not verified | Type B | |
360 | Department of Justice | DOJXBOPC0005 | Bureau of Prisons - Control Unit Placement Review | No | Not verified | Type B | |
361 | Department of Energy | DOENSUSD0009 | National Nuclear Security Administration non-procurement suspension & debarment | No | Not verified | Type B | |
362 | Department of Energy | DOENSUSD0008 | Department of Energy procurement suspension and debarment | No | Not verified | Type B | |
363 | Department of Energy | DOENPCBD0010 | Patent Compensation Board | No | Not verified | Type B | |
364 | Department of Energy | DOENOOHA0001 | Office of Hearings & Appeals Proceedings | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
365 | Department of Energy | DOENNPSD0007 | National Nuclear Security Administration non-procurement suspension & debarment | No | Not verified | Type B | |
366 | Department of Energy | DOENNPSD0006 | Department of Energy non-procurement suspension & debarment | No | Not verified | Type B | |
367 | Department of Energy | DOENNATG0005 | Import/export of natural gas | No | Not verified | Type B | |
368 | Department of Energy | DOENLGOI0012 | Licensing of inventions arising from NNSA-supported research and development | No | Not verified | Type B | |
369 | Department of Energy | DOENLGOI0011 | Licensing of inventions arising from DOE-supported research and development | No | Not verified | Type B | |
370 | Department of Energy | DOENISER0003 | Adjudication re: violations of Defense Production Act | No | Not verified | Type B | |
371 | Department of Energy | DOENDSCR0014 | Non-discrimination in federally assisted programs or activities | No | Not verified | Type A | |
372 | Department of Energy | DOENDEBT0013 | Debt collection | No | Not verified | Type B | |
373 | Department of Energy | DOENCIVP0004 | Civil penalty procedures conducted by ALJ | No | Not verified | Type A | |
374 | Department of Energy | DOENAPPA0002 | Informal appeals | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
375 | Department of Education | DOEDOHEA0003 | Post Secondary Institution Grants and Sanctions | Verified | Type A | ||
376 | Department of Education | DOEDOGBR0001 | Grants and Benefits under the General Education Provisions Act | Verified | Type A | ||
377 | Department of Education | DOEDFARO0004 | Procurement suspension and debarment | No | Not verified | Type B | |
378 | Department of Education | DOEDCRRA0002 | Termination of Federal Financial Assistance Under the Civil Rights Act | Verified | Type A | ||
379 | Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board | DNFSZERO0001 | N/A | Not verified | |||
380 | Department of the Interior | DINTSECY0009 | Office of the Secretary | Yes | Not verified | Type A, Type B | |
381 | Department of the Interior | DINTSECY0000 | Not verified | ||||
382 | Department of the Interior | DINTRECL0007 | Bureau of Reclamation | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
383 | Department of the Interior | DINTPROB0003 | Indian probate hearings | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
384 | Department of the Interior | DINTONRR0006 | Office of Natural Resources Revenue | Yes | Not verified | Type A, Type B | |
385 | Department of the Interior | DINTIBLA0002 | Interior Board of Land Appeals | Yes | Not verified | Type A, Type B | |
386 | Department of the Interior | DINTIBLA0000 | Not verified | ||||
387 | Department of the Interior | DINTIBIA0000 | Not verified | ||||
388 | Department of the Interior | DINTESAC0008 | Exemptions under section 7(a)(2) of Endangered Species Act | Yes | Not verified | Type A | |
389 | Department of the Interior | DINTDEPT0004 | Departmental Cases Hearings Divison | Yes | Not verified | Type A, Type B | |
390 | Department of the Interior | DINTBIAA0001 | BIA Administrative Appeals | Yes | Not verified | Type A, Type B | |
391 | Department of the Interior | DINTAHOC0005 | Office of the Director / Ad Hoc Appeals Board | Yes | Not verified | Type B, Unknown | |
392 | Department of the Interior | DINTAHOC0000 | Not verified | ||||
393 | Department of Homeland Security | DHSCISAO0010 | U.S. Citizen & Immigration Services Administrative Appeals Office | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
394 | Department of Homeland Security | DHSCCGRR0006 | Coast Guard Retiring Review Board | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
395 | Department of Homeland Security | DHSCCGMR0008 | Coast Guard Board for Correction of Military Records | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
396 | Department of Homeland Security | DHSCCGID0009 | Coast Guard Security Card Application Appeal | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
397 | Department of Homeland Security | DHSCCGHP0004 | Coast Guard Hearing Procedure (Statutory Penalties) | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
398 | Department of Homeland Security | DHSCCGFM0005 | Coast Guard Formal Hearings | Verified | Type A | ||
399 | Department of Homeland Security | DHSCCGDR0007 | Coast Guard Discharge Review Board | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
400 | Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board | CSHIZERO0001 | N/A | Verified |