Informal proceedings held by the Bureau of Prisons involving inmate misconduct and determining appropriate disciplinary action. Hearings are conducted after a staff member at the correctional institute either witnesses or reasonably believes that an inmate committed a prohibited act and then issues an incident report. Following an investigation by a Bureau staff member, the incident report may be reviewed by a Unit Discipline Committee ("UDC") and if found to be serious enough, the incident will be forwarded to a Disciplinary Hearing Officer ("DHO") for the hearing described in this scheme. The DHO may find that the inmate committed the prohibited act, did not commit the prohibited act, or may refer the report back for further investigation, review, and disposition. This decision, as well as the interim decision made by the UDC are both appealable directly to the Regional Director through the Administrative Remedy Program.
Scheme Nickname:
Bureau of Prisons - Disciplinary Hearing
Types of Adjudication:
Type B
Resources & Articles:
Verified by Agency:
Not verified
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