Formal adjudication scheme jointly administered by the Departments of State (DOS) and Commerce (DOC) relating to imposition of administrative (civil) penalties for certain violations of the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act of 1998. Administrative penalties may be imposed for: refusing to permit entry or inspection; failure to establish or maintain required records. (22 CFR Part 103, Subpart C). The Department of Commerce initiates enforcement proceedings by issuing a notice of violation, and DOC ALJs conduct hearings and issue initial decisions. (See 22 CFR 103.7; 15 CFR pt. 719). Any party may petition the Secretary of State for review of the ALJ's initial decision. (22 CFR 103.8)
Scheme Nickname:
Chemical weapons appeals
Comments/Notes on Adjudication Structure:
Note: Only DOS's appellate proceedings are covered by this scheme; Department of Commerce (DOC) hearing-level proceedings are covered by a sister DOC scheme.
Types of Adjudication:
Type A
Verified by Agency:
Not verified
Is this a Major Adjudication: