Scheme Nickname: 
Public Safety Officer Benefits

Informal proceedings in which hearing officers review claims made to the Public Safety Officers' Benefits (PSOB) Program which have been denied under subparts B (death benefit claims), C (disability benefit claims), and D (educational assistance benefit claims) of 28 CFR 32. Frontline decisions are made by the PSOB and claimants may request a hearing officer determination after notification of a denial. Hearing officers are appointed to a roster by the Director of the Bureau of Justice Assistance ("Director") and the PSOB claims to hearing officers on the roster. Hearing officer determinations are made de novo and and are subject to review by the Director before the hearing level decision is considered final. Claimants may appeal a hearing officer determination to the Director. With respect to any claim before him, the Director, as appropriate, may:
(1) Remand the same to the PSOB Office, or to a Hearing Officer; (2) Vacate any related determination under this part; or
(3) Refer any related matters to a Hearing Officer (as a special master), to recommend factual findings and dispositions in connection therewith.

Administrative remedies must be exhausted before seeking judicial review.

Types of Adjudication: 
Type B
Verified by Agency: 
Not verified
Is this a Major Adjudication: 