Displaying 201 - 300 of 432
# | Agency |
Scheme![]() |
Nickname | Is this Major Adjudication? | Verified by Agency | Types of Adjudication | |
201 | Government Accountability Office | GAOOBIDS0003 | Bid Protest | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
202 | Government Accountability Office | GAOOCONT0002 | Contract Appeals Board | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
203 | Government Accountability Office | GAOOPERS0001 | Personnel Appeals Board | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
204 | Government Printing Office | GPROSUSD0001 | Procurement Suspension and Debarment | No | Not verified | Unknown | |
205 | General Services Administration | GSAOCBCA0004 | GSA Civilian Board of Contract Appeals cases | Verified | Type B | ||
206 | General Services Administration | GSAOFARG0003 | GSA Debarment/Suspension proceedings for FAR contractors | No | Not verified | Unknown | |
207 | General Services Administration | GSAONPRC0002 | GSA Nonprocurement debarment & suspension proceedings | No | Not verified | Unknown | |
208 | General Services Administration | GSAOPRFR0001 | GSA Program Fraud and Lobbying Violation hearings | No | Not verified | Unknown | |
209 | Department of Health and Human Services | HHSOADGA0008 | HHS Grant and Assistance Benefits | Yes | Verified | Type A | |
210 | Department of Health and Human Services | HHSOCRDB0009 | HHS Civil Remedies Under HIPPA | Yes | Not verified | Type A | |
211 | Department of Health and Human Services | HHSOFARO0010 | Procurement suspension and debarment | No | Not verified | Type B | |
212 | Department of Health and Human Services | HHSOFDVA0007 | Compliance with the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act | Yes | Verified | Type A | |
213 | Department of Health and Human Services | HHSOMAPD0004 | Medicare Advantage (MA) and Prescription Drug (PD) Appeals | No | Not verified | Type A, Type B | |
214 | Department of Health and Human Services | HHSOMGCR0006 | Medicare Geographic Hospital Classification Review | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
215 | Department of Health and Human Services | HHSONIOS0002 | NIOSH Radiation Dose Reconstruction Program Benefits | No | Not verified | Type B | |
216 | Department of Health and Human Services | HHSOOBEN0001 | Health Insurance Benefits Under the Medicare Programs | Yes | Verified | Type A | |
217 | Department of Health and Human Services | HHSOOHAI0003 | Exchange-based (Marketplace) health insurance eligibility appeals functions | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
218 | Department of Health and Human Services | HHSOPRRB0005 | Provider Reimbursement Certification | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
219 | Department of Health and Human Services | HHSOSUSD0011 | Nonprocurement suspension and debarment | No | Not verified | Type B | |
220 | Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation | HSTFTERM0001 | Termination/suspension of scholarships | No | Verified | Type B | |
221 | Department of Housing and Urban Development | HUDMULTI0007 | Multifamily Housing | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
222 | Department of Housing and Urban Development | HUDOAPPJ0002 | Administrative Judge Adjudication | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
223 | Department of Housing and Urban Development | HUDODECO0009 | Nonprocurement debarment and suspension | Verified | Type A, Type B | ||
224 | Department of Housing and Urban Development | HUDOFHAO0008 | Removal of Consultants from Lists | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
225 | Department of Housing and Urban Development | HUDOHALJ0001 | Adjudication in Office of Administrative Law Judge | Yes | Verified | Type A, Type B | |
226 | Department of Housing and Urban Development | HUDOIGOO0005 | Refusal to Give Documents or Testimony | No | Verified | Type B | |
227 | Department of Housing and Urban Development | HUDOMANU0004 | Manufactured Home Presentation of Views | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
228 | Department of Housing and Urban Development | HUDOPHAA0006 | Public Housing Agency Appeals | No | Not verified | ||
229 | Department of Housing and Urban Development | HUDOSECT0003 | Section 3 Funding-Informal Resolutions | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
230 | Inter-American Foundation | IAFOSOFF0002 | Salary offset | No | Not verified | Type A, Type B | |
231 | Inter-American Foundation | IAFOSUSD0001 | Nonprocurement suspension/debarment | No | Not verified | Type B | |
232 | Institute for Museum and Library Services | IMLSDBAR0001 | Nonprocurement debarment and suspension | No | Verified | Type B | |
233 | Institute for Museum and Library Services | IMLSNOND0002 | Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs | No | Verified | Type A | |
234 | Independent Payment Advisory Board | IPABZERO0001 | N/A | Verified | |||
235 | Internal Revenue Service Oversight Board | IROBZERO0001 | N/A | Verified | |||
236 | United States International Trade Commission | ITCXADCD0002 | Anti-dumping/Countervailing Duties | Verified | |||
237 | United States International Trade Commission | ITCXALJS0001 | ITC- 337 | Verified | |||
238 | United States International Trade Commission | ITCXCONF0004 | ITC - confidential biz info | Verified | |||
239 | United States International Trade Commission | ITCXETHC0003 | ITC - Ethic in Government enforcement | Verified | |||
240 | United States International Trade Commission | ITCXMISC0007 | ITC- miscellaneous Commission only hearing-no DOC | Verified | |||
241 | United States International Trade Commission | ITCXOFST0006 | ITC - salary offsets | No | Not verified | Type B | |
242 | United States International Trade Commission | ITCXSALY0005 | ITC - salary offsets | No | Not verified | Type B | |
243 | James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation | JMMFTERM0001 | Suspension/termination of fellowships | No | Not verified | Type B | |
244 | Department of Labor | LABRATOM0008 | Labor Atomic Workers | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
245 | Department of Labor | LABRBALC0006 | Labor BALCA + ARB | Yes | Verified | Unknown | |
246 | Department of Labor | LABRDFEC0007 | Labor DFEC | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
247 | Department of Labor | LABROALJ0001 | Labor ALJ + ARB | Yes | Verified | Type A | |
248 | Department of Labor | LABROALJ0002 | Labor ALJ + BRB | Yes | Verified | Type A | |
249 | Department of Labor | LABROALJ0003 | Labor ALJ + MSHA | Yes | Not verified | Type A | |
250 | Department of Labor | LABROALJ0004 | Labor ALJ + OSHA | Yes | Verified | Type A | |
251 | Department of Labor | LABROALJ0005 | Labor ALJ + EBSA | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
252 | Department of Labor | LABROTAA0009 | Labor Trade Adjustment | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
253 | Library of Congress | LOCOZERO0001 | N/A | Not verified | |||
254 | Legal Services Corporation | LSCIGIPA0003 | Suspension/debarment of independent public accountants (IPAs) | No | Verified | Type B | |
255 | Legal Services Corporation | LSCOCOST0002 | Costs over $2500 | No | Verified | ||
256 | Legal Services Corporation | LSCOCOST0003 | Costs under $2500 | No | Verified | ||
257 | Legal Services Corporation | LSCODBAR0001 | Debarment/suspension of grantees from LSC funds | No | Verified | ||
258 | Legal Services Corporation | LSCODSRR0004 | Debarment, Suspension, and Removal of Recipient Auditors | No | Verified | ||
259 | Legal Services Corporation | LSCODTOF0001 | Debarment and/or Termination of Funds | No | Verified | ||
260 | Millennium Challenge Corporation | MCCOZERO0001 | N/A | Verified | |||
261 | Morris K. Udall Scholarship Foundation | MKUSZERO0001 | N/A | Verified | |||
262 | Mississippi River Commission | MRCOZERO0001 | N/A | Verified | |||
263 | Merit Systems Protection Board | MSPBAPPJ0001 | "Main" (informal) adjudication scheme - Administrative Judges | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
264 | Merit Systems Protection Board | MSPBORIG0002 | Formal ALJ adjudication - primarily original jurisdiction cases | Yes | Not verified | Type A, Type B | |
265 | Merit Systems Protection Board | MSPBSOFF0003 | Salary offset | No | Not verified | Type A, Type B | |
266 | Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority | MWAADBAR0004 | DC airports-debarment | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
267 | Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority | MWAALABR0003 | DC airports-labor | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
268 | Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority | MWAAPERM0001 | DC airports- restricted access permits & towing | No | Not verified | ||
269 | Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority | MWAAPERM0002 | DC airports- taxi permit appeals | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
270 | Department of Defense | N/A | N/A | Not verified | |||
271 | National Archives and Records Administration | NARAASOS0002 | NARA Administrative/Salary Offset | No | Not verified | Type A, Type B | |
272 | National Archives and Records Administration | NARAISCA0003 | Review of declassification appeals by ISCAP | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
273 | National Archives and Records Administration | NARANDBS0004 | NARA Nondiscrimination on Basis of Sex | No | Not verified | Type A | |
274 | National Archives and Records Administration | NARANDPB0001 | Nonprocurement/Debarment | No | Not verified | Type B | |
275 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | NASANAOO0001 | Program fraud civil remedies | No | Not verified | Type A | |
276 | National Consumer Cooperative Bank | NCCBZERO0001 | N/A | Verified | |||
277 | National Council on Disability | NCDOZERO0001 | N/A | Verified | |||
278 | National Capital Planning Commission | NCPCZERO0001 | N/A | Verified | |||
279 | National Credit Union Administration | NCUABDAP0001 | Board Appeal (Formal) | Yes | Not verified | Type A | |
280 | National Credit Union Administration | NCUABDAP0002 | Board Appeal (Informal) | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
281 | National Credit Union Administration | NCUADEBT0003 | Federal Employee Debt Collection | No | Not verified | Type B | |
282 | National Endowment for the Arts | NEAOAGED0004 | Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs on basis of age | No | Not verified | Type A | |
283 | National Endowment for the Arts | NEAODBAR0001 | Nonprocurement debarment and suspension | No | Not verified | Type B | |
284 | National Endowment for the Arts | NEAONOND0002 | Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs under Title VI | No | Not verified | Type A | |
285 | National Endowment for the Arts | NEAOOFFS0003 | Administrative sanctions (salary, tax refund, and administrative offsets) | No | Not verified | Unknown | |
286 | National Endowment for the Humanities | NEHODBAR0002 | Nonprocurement debarment and suspension | No | Not verified | Type B | |
287 | National Endowment for the Humanities | NEHONOND0001 | Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs under Title VI & Rehab Act | No | Not verified | Type A | |
288 | National Endowment for the Humanities | NEHOOFFS0003 | Salary offset | No | Not verified | Unknown | |
289 | National Institute of Building Sciences | NIBSZERO0001 | N/A | Verified | |||
290 | National Indian Gaming Commission | NIGCGREG0001 | Regulation of tribal gaming activities | No | Not verified | Unknown | |
291 | National Indian Gaming Commission | NIGCSOFF0002 | Claims collection - salary offset & administrative wage garnishment | No | Not verified | Unknown | |
292 | National Labor Relations Board | NLRBREPR0002 | NLRB REPRESENTATION ("R") CASES | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
293 | National Labor Relations Board | NLRBULPC0001 | NLRB ULP ("C") CASES | Yes | Verified | Type A | |
294 | National Mediation Board | NMBDZERO0001 | N/A | Verified | |||
295 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | NRCFARSD0007 | Procurement suspension/debarment under FAR 9.4 | No | Not verified | Type B | |
296 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | NRCOALJO0002 | Formal ALJ hearings for non-nuclear matters (debt collection, etc.) | No | Not verified | Type A | |
297 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | NRCODATA0003 | Access to restricted data under Atomic Energy Act | No | Not verified | Type B | |
298 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | NRCODBAR0011 | Nonprocurement suspension and debarment | No | Not verified | Type B | |
299 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | NRCOIMEX0004 | Import/export hearings | Yes | Not verified | Unknown | |
300 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | NRCOSUBG0001 | Formal adjudication under Subpart G | Yes | Not verified | Type A, Type B |