Scheme Nickname:
Debarment/suspension of grantees from LSC funds
Enforcement proceedings by LSC against funding recipients (i.e., LSC grantees or contractors) relating to proposed adverse actions due to alleged substantial noncompliance with Legal Services Corporation Act or other applicable laws or regulations. (See 45 CFR Parts 1606 & 1623). Actions against grantees/contractors may include: termination of funding; limited reduction of funding; suspension; or debarment.
Comments/Notes on Adjudication Structure:
Appellate review of adverse hearing-level determinations is not available for certain types of actions. For suspensions less than 30 days in length, there is no right of appeal. With respect to cases involving limited reductions in funding (which only have written hearings, if the President is involved in the preliminary (hearing-level) determination, than appellate review is conducted by a designated, impartial senior LSC employee instead of the President.
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