Displaying 101 - 200 of 432
# | Agency | Scheme |
Nickname![]() |
Is this Major Adjudication? | Verified by Agency | Types of Adjudication | |
101 | National Credit Union Administration | NCUABDAP0002 | Board Appeal (Informal) | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
102 | Railroad Retirement Board | RRBBDHRG0003 | Board hearings on specified RRA/RUIA non-benefit matters | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
103 | Department of Justice | DOJXBOPC0005 | Bureau of Prisons - Control Unit Placement Review | No | Not verified | Type B | |
104 | Department of Justice | DOJXBOPD0004 | Bureau of Prisons - Disciplinary Hearing | No | Not verified | Type B | |
105 | Department of Justice | DOJXBOPP0006 | Bureau of Prisons - Psychiatric Care and Hospitalization | No | Not verified | Type B | |
106 | Department of the Interior | DINTRECL0007 | Bureau of Reclamation | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
107 | Federal Housing Finance Agency | FHFACAPC0003 | Capital Classification & Removal/Suspension Proceedings | No | Not verified | ||
108 | Department of Commerce | USDCCENS0001 | Census Population Designations | No | Not verified | Type B | |
109 | Environmental Protection Agency | EPACERCL0007 | CERCLA 106(b) reimbursement claims | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
110 | United States Parole Commission | USPCLABR0005 | Certificates of Exemption from Labor Act and Pension Act | Yes | Not verified | Type A | |
111 | Federal Labor Relations Authority | FLRAARBI0008 | Challenge to Arbitration Award | Yes | Verified | ||
112 | Department of State | DOSOCWCO0005 | Chemical weapons appeals | No | Not verified | Type A | |
113 | Consumer Product Safety Commission | CPSCPENA0001 | Civil Penalty Assessment | Yes | Not verified | Type A | |
114 | Department of Justice | DOJXDRUG0008 | Civil Penalty for Possession of Controlled Substances | Yes | Not verified | Type A | |
115 | Department of Energy | DOENCIVP0004 | Civil penalty procedures conducted by ALJ | No | Not verified | Type A | |
116 | Environmental Protection Agency | EPAOREGI0012 | Civil Penalty Proceedings in Regional Offices | No | Not verified | ||
117 | Department of State | DOSOCSGO0002 | Civil service grievances | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
118 | Foreign Claims Settlement Commission | FCSCCLMS0002 | Claims | No | Not verified | Type B | |
119 | United States African Development Foundation | USADFSOF0001 | Claims collection - administrative offset | No | Not verified | Type B | |
120 | Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board | FRTIBSOF0001 | Claims collection - salary & administrative offset | No | Not verified | Type A, Type B | |
121 | National Science Foundation | NSFODEBT0002 | Claims collection - salary & administrative offset | No | Not verified | Type A, Type B | |
122 | National Indian Gaming Commission | NIGCSOFF0002 | Claims collection - salary offset & administrative wage garnishment | No | Not verified | Unknown | |
123 | Department of Justice | DOJXRECA0007 | Claims Under the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act ("RECA") | No | Not verified | Type B | |
124 | Department of Justice | DOJXCLAS0014 | Classified Information - Denial and Revocation of Access | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
125 | Department of Homeland Security | DHSCCGMR0008 | Coast Guard Board for Correction of Military Records | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
126 | Department of Homeland Security | DHSCCGDR0007 | Coast Guard Discharge Review Board | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
127 | Department of Homeland Security | DHSCCGFM0005 | Coast Guard Formal Hearings | Verified | Type A | ||
128 | Department of Homeland Security | DHSCCGHP0004 | Coast Guard Hearing Procedure (Statutory Penalties) | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
129 | Department of Homeland Security | DHSCCGRR0006 | Coast Guard Retiring Review Board | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
130 | Department of Homeland Security | DHSCCGID0009 | Coast Guard Security Card Application Appeal | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
131 | Farm Credit Administration | FCAOCLAM0001 | Collection of claims owed the U.S. | No | Not verified | Unknown | |
132 | Federal Energy Regulatory Commission | FERCCOMM0002 | Commission hearing-level adjudications | No | Verified | Type A, Type B | |
133 | Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission | FMSHCITA0002 | Commission Proceedings | No | Not verified | ||
134 | Federal Energy Regulatory Commission | FERCIJAP0003 | Commission review of contested DOE orders under Subparts I & J | No | Verified | Type A | |
135 | Foreign Claims Settlement Commission | FCSCADJU0001 | Compensation claims | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
136 | Department of Health and Human Services | HHSOFDVA0007 | Compliance with the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act | Yes | Verified | Type A | |
137 | Office of the Comptroller of the Currency | OCCXDISA0004 | Comptroller - disapproving Board of Directors/senior execs | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
138 | Office of the Comptroller of the Currency | OCCXLCNS0003 | Comptroller - licensing | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
139 | Office of the Comptroller of the Currency | OCCXIFML0002 | Comptroller - presiding officer-Comp informal | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
140 | Office of the Comptroller of the Currency | OCCXALJS0001 | Comptroller ALJ processes | Yes | Not verified | Type A | |
141 | Department of Commerce | USDCCONF0014 | Conflicts of Interest | No | Not verified | Type B | |
142 | Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission | FMSHCONT0003 | Contests, Complaints, and Temporary Relief | No | Not verified | ||
143 | Government Accountability Office | GAOOCONT0002 | Contract Appeals Board | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
144 | Environmental Protection Agency | EPAOCORR0003 | Corrective Actions in Solid Waste Disposal Act | No | Not verified | ||
145 | Legal Services Corporation | LSCOCOST0002 | Costs over $2500 | No | Verified | ||
146 | Legal Services Corporation | LSCOCOST0003 | Costs under $2500 | No | Verified | ||
147 | Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority | MWAAPERM0001 | DC airports- restricted access permits & towing | No | Not verified | ||
148 | Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority | MWAAPERM0002 | DC airports- taxi permit appeals | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
149 | Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority | MWAADBAR0004 | DC airports-debarment | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
150 | Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority | MWAALABR0003 | DC airports-labor | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
151 | Department of Justice | DOJXIDEA0011 | DEA Informal Enforcement Proceedings | No | Not verified | Type B | |
152 | Department of Commerce | USDCDEBA0016 | Debarment and Suspension for the Department of Commerce | No | Not verified | Type B | |
153 | Legal Services Corporation | LSCODTOF0001 | Debarment and/or Termination of Funds | No | Verified | ||
154 | Legal Services Corporation | LSCODSRR0004 | Debarment, Suspension, and Removal of Recipient Auditors | No | Verified | ||
155 | Legal Services Corporation | LSCODBAR0001 | Debarment/suspension of grantees from LSC funds | No | Verified | ||
156 | Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation | PBGCDEBT0002 | Debt collection | No | Verified | Unknown | |
157 | Department of State | DOSOSOFF0007 | Debt collection | No | Not verified | Type B, Unknown | |
158 | United States Agency for International Development | USAIDDBT0002 | Debt collection | No | Not verified | Type B, Unknown | |
159 | Commodity Futures Trading Commission | CFTCCOLL0003 | Debt Collection | No | Verified | Type B | |
160 | Equal Employment Opportunity Commission | EEOCDEBT0004 | Debt collection | No | Verified | Type A, Type B | |
161 | Department of Energy | DOENDEBT0013 | Debt collection | No | Not verified | Type B | |
162 | United States Peace Corps | PECODEBT0002 | Debt collection - administrative offset/administrative wage garnishment | No | Verified | Type B | |
163 | United States Commission on Civil Rights | USCCRSOF0001 | Debt collection - salary offset | No | Verified | Type A, Unknown | |
164 | United States Peace Corps | PECOSOFF0001 | Debt collection - salary offset | No | Verified | Type A, Type B | |
165 | Federal Housing Finance Agency | FHFADEBT0001 | Debt Collection - Salary Offset, Administrative Offset & Administrative Wage Garnishment | No | Not verified | ||
166 | Department of Agriculture | USDADEBT0003 | Debt collection by non-NAD USDA agencies | No | Not verified | Type B | |
167 | Department of Commerce | USDCDEBT0015 | Debt Collection Scheme | No | Not verified | Type B | |
168 | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau | CFPBDEBT0002 | Debt collection via salary and administrative offset and admin. wage garnishment | No | Not verified | Type A, Type B | |
169 | Surface Transportation Board | STBODEBT0003 | Debt/claims collection - salary offset | No | Verified | Type A | |
170 | Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service | FMCSSOFF0001 | Debt/Claims collection - salary offset | No | Verified | Type A, Type B | |
171 | Department of Commerce | USDCSECR0007 | Decisions by the Secretary of Commerce | No | Not verified | Type B | |
172 | Corporation for National and Community Service | CNCSDENI0002 | Denial of refunding | No | Not verified | Type B | |
173 | Department of Energy | DOENNPSD0006 | Department of Energy non-procurement suspension & debarment | No | Not verified | Type B | |
174 | Department of Energy | DOENSUSD0008 | Department of Energy procurement suspension and debarment | No | Not verified | Type B | |
175 | Department of the Interior | DINTDEPT0004 | Departmental Cases Hearings Divison | Yes | Not verified | Type A, Type B | |
176 | Department of Commerce | USDCPDIS0023 | Disciplinary Proceedings in the USPTO | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
177 | Equal Employment Opportunity Commission | EEOCGOVT0001 | Discrimination complaints - local/state govt employees | Yes | Verified | Type A | |
178 | Occupational Safety & Health Review Commission | OSHRADJU0001 | Disputes and/or abatement period relating to alleged safety or health violations | Yes | Verified | Type A | |
179 | Environmental Protection Agency | EPAOCOMP0009 | Disputes re: competitive grants | No | Not verified | Type B | |
180 | Department of Transportation | DOTRCVRT0017 | DOT civil rights proceedings | No | Not verified | Type B | |
181 | Department of Transportation | DOTRDEBT0018 | DOT Debt collection proceedings | No | Not verified | Type B | |
182 | Department of Transportation | DOTRNPRC0008 | DOT Nonprocurement suspension & debarment proceedings | No | Not verified | Type B | |
183 | Department of Transportation | DOTREMPL0019 | DOT Post-employment enforcement proceedings | No | Not verified | Type B | |
184 | Department of Transportation | DOTRPRFR0011 | DOT Program Fraud and Lobbying Violation hearings | Yes | Not verified | ||
185 | Federal Communications Commission | FCCOEAJA0002 | EAJA fees | Yes | Not verified | Type A | |
186 | Federal Housing Finance Agency | FHFAENFO0002 | Enforcement | No | Not verified | ||
187 | Federal Communications Commission | FCCOMDRD0007 | Enforcement hearings | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
188 | Department of Justice | DOJXEOIR0003 | EOIR Immigration Practitioner Disciplinary Proceedings | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
189 | Environmental Protection Agency | EPAOPANE0010 | EPA Panel and Pesticide Appeals | No | Not verified | ||
190 | Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission | FMSHEAJA0004 | Equal Access to Justice | No | Not verified | ||
191 | Commodity Futures Trading Commission | CFTCEAJA0004 | Equal Access to Justice Act Proceedings | No | Not verified | ||
192 | Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System | FRSXBOAR0003 | Equal Employment Opportunity | No | Not verified | Type B | |
193 | Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation | PBGCERIS0001 | ERISA program determinations | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
194 | Department of Health and Human Services | HHSOOHAI0003 | Exchange-based (Marketplace) health insurance eligibility appeals functions | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
195 | Selective Service System | SSSOEXEM0001 | Exemption from military service | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
196 | Department of the Interior | DINTESAC0008 | Exemptions under section 7(a)(2) of Endangered Species Act | Yes | Not verified | Type A | |
197 | Department of Agriculture | USDAFCIC0020 | FCIC informal administrative reviews (7 CFR Part 400) | No | Not verified | ||
198 | Department of Transportation | DOTRFMCS0004 | Fed. Motor Carrier Safety Admin. civil penalty enforcement proceedings | Yes | Not verified | ||
199 | Department of Transportation | DOTRFAAD0001 | Federal Aviation Administration violation proceedings | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
200 | Department of Transportation | DOTRFAAD0002 | Federal Aviation Administration violation proceedings | Yes | Not verified | Type B |