Scheme Nickname: 
Disputes re: competitive grants

Informal process for adjudication of certain pre-award disputes relating to EPA competitive assistance agreements (e.g., grants, cooperative agreements). Applicable adjudication procedures set forth in a non-regulatory order, EPA Order 5700.5A1 (Rev. 2/6/14). According to EPA Order 5700.5A1, open competition is the agency's preferred method of competition for all assistance agreements, though is only required when the estimated total funding to be awarded exceeds $100,000 and there are otherwise no applicable exemptions or exceptions. (EPA Order 5700.5A1 at 4(h)). Agency guidance provides that competition-related disputes should be resolved at the "lowest possible level."

Types of Adjudication: 
Type B
Other Comments: 
This is a highly informal adjudication scheme which has few written procedures. Rather, the designated hearing official (i.e., Grant Competition Disputes Deciding Official) has the discretionary authority to develop his/her procedures and timeline on a case-by-case basis. The relevant portion of the EPA Order provides as follows: "Upon receiving a dispute, the GCDDO will establish a process and schedule for resolving the dispute and communicate this to the applicant and affected [EPA] Program Office. At his or her discretion, the GCDDO may (i) request additional information from the applicant or Program Office and/or (ii) meet by phone or in person with the unsuccessful applicant and/or Program Office. (See EPA Order 5700.5A1, Appendix A, p. 36).
Verified by Agency: 
Not verified
Is this a Major Adjudication: 