Displaying 201 - 300 of 432
# | Agency | Scheme | Nickname |
Is this Major Adjudication?![]() |
Verified by Agency | Types of Adjudication | |
201 | National Endowment for the Arts | NEAONOND0002 | Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs under Title VI | No | Not verified | Type A | |
202 | National Endowment for the Arts | NEAOOFFS0003 | Administrative sanctions (salary, tax refund, and administrative offsets) | No | Not verified | Unknown | |
203 | National Endowment for the Arts | NEAOAGED0004 | Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs on basis of age | No | Not verified | Type A | |
204 | National Endowment for the Humanities | NEHONOND0001 | Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs under Title VI & Rehab Act | No | Not verified | Type A | |
205 | National Endowment for the Humanities | NEHODBAR0002 | Nonprocurement debarment and suspension | No | Not verified | Type B | |
206 | National Endowment for the Humanities | NEHOOFFS0003 | Salary offset | No | Not verified | Unknown | |
207 | National Indian Gaming Commission | NIGCGREG0001 | Regulation of tribal gaming activities | No | Not verified | Unknown | |
208 | National Indian Gaming Commission | NIGCSOFF0002 | Claims collection - salary offset & administrative wage garnishment | No | Not verified | Unknown | |
209 | National Science Foundation | NSFOFADJ0001 | Formal adjudication | No | Not verified | Type A | |
210 | National Science Foundation | NSFODEBT0002 | Claims collection - salary & administrative offset | No | Not verified | Type A, Type B | |
211 | National Science Foundation | NSFOSUSD0003 | Nonprocurement suspension and debarment | No | Not verified | Type B | |
212 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | NRCOALJO0002 | Formal ALJ hearings for non-nuclear matters (debt collection, etc.) | No | Not verified | Type A | |
213 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | NRCODATA0003 | Access to restricted data under Atomic Energy Act | No | Not verified | Type B | |
214 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | NRCFARSD0007 | Procurement suspension/debarment under FAR 9.4 | No | Not verified | Type B | |
215 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | NRCOSUBO0009 | Legislative hearings under Part 2/Subpart O | No | Not verified | Type B | |
216 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | NRCODBAR0011 | Nonprocurement suspension and debarment | No | Not verified | Type B | |
217 | Office of National Drug Control Policy | ONDCSUSP0001 | Suspension & debarment | No | Not verified | Type B | |
218 | Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation | ONHIRARC0002 | Archaeological permits & violations | No | Not verified | Type A, Type B | |
219 | Office of Personnel Management | OPMOSOFF0001 | Salary offset proceedings | No | Not verified | Type B | |
220 | Office of Personnel Management | OPMOPFCR0002 | PFCRA hearings | No | Not verified | Type A | |
221 | Office of Personnel Management | OPMORETR0003 | Hearings re: statutory prohibition of retirement annuities | No | Not verified | Type A, Type B | |
222 | Office of Personnel Management | OPMOIGSD0004 | Administrative sanctions - FEHB providers | No | Not verified | Type B | |
223 | Office of Personnel Management | OPMOPRSD0005 | Procurement suspension/debarment under FAR | No | Not verified | Type B | |
224 | Office of Personnel Management | OPMOSUSD0006 | Nonprocurement suspension/debarment | No | Not verified | Type B | |
225 | Overseas Private Investment Corporation | OPICPEMP0001 | Post-employment restrictions | No | Verified | Type B | |
226 | Overseas Private Investment Corporation | OPICLOBY0002 | Lobbying restrictions | No | Verified | Type A, Type B | |
227 | Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation | PBGCDEBT0002 | Debt collection | No | Verified | Unknown | |
228 | Postal Regulatory Commission | PRCOCOMP0001 | PRC General Complaint Scheme | No | Not verified | Type B | |
229 | Railroad Retirement Board | RRBPFCRA0002 | Formal PFCRA (and other) hearings | No | Verified | Type A | |
230 | Social Security Administration | SSAOGRAN0002 | Post-award adverse grant administration decisions | No | Verified | Type B | |
231 | Social Security Administration | SSAOFARO0003 | Procurement Suspension and Debarment | No | Verified | Type B | |
232 | Social Security Administration | SSAOSUSD0004 | Nonprocurement suspension and debarment | No | Verified | Type B | |
233 | Social Security Administration | SSAOOFFG0005 | SSA Administrative/Salary Offset | No | Not verified | Type A, Type B | |
234 | Surface Transportation Board | STBODEBT0003 | Debt/claims collection - salary offset | No | Verified | Type A | |
235 | Tennessee Valley Authority | TVAONOHA0001 | Non-discrimination in federally assisted programs or activities | No | Not verified | Unknown | |
236 | United States African Development Foundation | USADFSOF0001 | Claims collection - administrative offset | No | Not verified | Type B | |
237 | United States African Development Foundation | USADFDBR0002 | Nonprocurement suspension/debarment | No | Not verified | Type B | |
238 | United States Agency for International Development | USAIDFFA0001 | Nondiscrimination re: federal financial assistance | No | Not verified | Type A | |
239 | United States Agency for International Development | USAIDDBT0002 | Debt collection | No | Not verified | Type B, Unknown | |
240 | United States Agency for International Development | USAIDEMP0003 | Post-employment restrictions | No | Not verified | Type B | |
241 | United States Agency for International Development | USAIDLBY0004 | Formal adjudication - civil penalties under PFCRA & lobbying restrictions | No | Not verified | Type A | |
242 | United States Agency for International Development | USAIDSDO0005 | Nonprocurement suspension/debarment | No | Not verified | Type B | |
243 | United States Commission on Civil Rights | USCCRSOF0001 | Debt collection - salary offset | No | Verified | Type A, Unknown | |
244 | United States Election Assistance Commission | EACODBAR0001 | Nonprocurement debarment and suspension | No | Not verified | Type B | |
245 | United States International Trade Commission | ITCXSALY0005 | ITC - salary offsets | No | Not verified | Type B | |
246 | United States International Trade Commission | ITCXOFST0006 | ITC - salary offsets | No | Not verified | Type B | |
247 | United States Peace Corps | PECOSOFF0001 | Debt collection - salary offset | No | Verified | Type A, Type B | |
248 | United States Peace Corps | PECODEBT0002 | Debt collection - administrative offset/administrative wage garnishment | No | Verified | Type B | |
249 | United States Peace Corps | PECOSUSD0003 | Nonprocurement debarment and suspension | No | Verified | Type B | |
250 | Commodity Futures Trading Commission | CFTCPRIV0002 | Private Agency Review | No | Not verified | Type B | |
251 | Broadcasting Board of Governors | BBGODEBT0003 | BBG Debt Collection proceedings for salary offsets | No | Not verified | ||
252 | Department of Housing and Urban Development | HUDOPHAA0006 | Public Housing Agency Appeals | No | Not verified | ||
253 | Environmental Protection Agency | EPAOOFFS0002 | Administrative claims/debt collection | No | Not verified | Type B | |
254 | Environmental Protection Agency | EPAOCORR0003 | Corrective Actions in Solid Waste Disposal Act | No | Not verified | ||
255 | Environmental Protection Agency | EPAOSUSD0004 | Suspension and debarment | No | Not verified | Type B | |
256 | Environmental Protection Agency | EPAOGRAN0005 | Adjudication of grant-related disputes/enforcement actions | No | Not verified | Type B | |
257 | Environmental Protection Agency | EPAOAIRO0008 | Air Monitoring and Fuel Economy | No | Not verified | ||
258 | Environmental Protection Agency | EPAOCOMP0009 | Disputes re: competitive grants | No | Not verified | Type B | |
259 | Environmental Protection Agency | EPAOPANE0010 | EPA Panel and Pesticide Appeals | No | Not verified | ||
260 | Environmental Protection Agency | EPAOWITH0011 | Withdrawal of Approval of State Programs and Superfund Claims | No | Not verified | ||
261 | Environmental Protection Agency | EPAOREGI0012 | Civil Penalty Proceedings in Regional Offices | No | Not verified | ||
262 | Foreign Claims Settlement Commission | FCSCCLMS0002 | Claims | No | Not verified | Type B | |
263 | Legal Services Corporation | LSCOCOST0002 | Costs over $2500 | No | Verified | ||
264 | Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority | MWAAPERM0001 | DC airports- restricted access permits & towing | No | Not verified | ||
265 | Commodity Futures Trading Commission | CFTCEAJA0004 | Equal Access to Justice Act Proceedings | No | Not verified | ||
266 | Department of Energy | DOENLGOI0012 | Licensing of inventions arising from NNSA-supported research and development | No | Not verified | Type B | |
267 | Legal Services Corporation | LSCOCOST0003 | Costs under $2500 | No | Verified | ||
268 | Legal Services Corporation | LSCODSRR0004 | Debarment, Suspension, and Removal of Recipient Auditors | No | Verified | ||
269 | Legal Services Corporation | LSCODBAR0001 | Debarment/suspension of grantees from LSC funds | No | Verified | ||
270 | Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation | ONHIRBEN0001 | Relocation program adjudication | No | Verified | Type B | |
271 | Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission | FMSHCITA0002 | Commission Proceedings | No | Not verified | ||
272 | Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission | FMSHCONT0003 | Contests, Complaints, and Temporary Relief | No | Not verified | ||
273 | Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission | FMSHEAJA0004 | Equal Access to Justice | No | Not verified | ||
274 | Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System | FRSXOFIA0001 | Office of Financial Institution Adjudication | Yes | Not verified | Type A | |
275 | Department of Veterans Affairs | DOVAACCR0011 | Termination of accreditation or authority to provide representation | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
276 | Commodity Futures Trading Commission | CFTCREPA0005 | Reparations | Yes | Verified | Type A, Type B | |
277 | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau | CFPBADJU0001 | Formal adjudication under Dodd-Frank and other federal consumer financial laws | Yes | Verified | Type A | |
278 | Consumer Product Safety Commission | CPSCPENA0001 | Civil Penalty Assessment | Yes | Not verified | Type A | |
279 | Copyright Royalty Tribunal | CRTRADJU0001 | Yes | Not verified | Type B | ||
280 | Department of Agriculture | USDAOALJ0001 | Main formal (APA) hearings scheme | Yes | Not verified | Type A, Type B | |
281 | Department of Agriculture | USDANADO0002 | Yes | Verified | Type A | ||
282 | Department of Agriculture | USDAARBO0009 | Administrative Review Branch appeals | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
283 | Department of Commerce | USDCFTZB0005 | Foreign Trade Zones Board | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
284 | Department of Commerce | USDCDUMP0006 | Anti-Dumping Procedures | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
285 | Department of Commerce | USDCNOAA0009 | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Formal Scheme | Yes | Not verified | Type A | |
286 | Department of Commerce | USDCNNAO0013 | National Appeals Office | Yes | Not verified | Type B | |
287 | Department of Commerce | USDCFORM0018 | Formal Adjudication in the Office of the Secretary | Yes | Not verified | Type A | |
288 | Department of Commerce | USDCPDIS0023 | Disciplinary Proceedings in the USPTO | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
289 | Department of Energy | DOENOOHA0001 | Office of Hearings & Appeals Proceedings | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
290 | Department of Energy | DOENAPPA0002 | Informal appeals | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
291 | Department of Health and Human Services | HHSOOBEN0001 | Health Insurance Benefits Under the Medicare Programs | Yes | Verified | Type A | |
292 | Department of Health and Human Services | HHSOOHAI0003 | Exchange-based (Marketplace) health insurance eligibility appeals functions | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
293 | Department of Health and Human Services | HHSOPRRB0005 | Provider Reimbursement Certification | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
294 | Department of Health and Human Services | HHSOMGCR0006 | Medicare Geographic Hospital Classification Review | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
295 | Department of Health and Human Services | HHSOFDVA0007 | Compliance with the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act | Yes | Verified | Type A | |
296 | Department of Health and Human Services | HHSOADGA0008 | HHS Grant and Assistance Benefits | Yes | Verified | Type A | |
297 | Department of Health and Human Services | HHSOCRDB0009 | HHS Civil Remedies Under HIPPA | Yes | Not verified | Type A | |
298 | Department of Homeland Security | DHSCCGHP0004 | Coast Guard Hearing Procedure (Statutory Penalties) | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
299 | Department of Homeland Security | DHSCCGRR0006 | Coast Guard Retiring Review Board | Yes | Verified | Type B | |
300 | Department of Homeland Security | DHSCCGDR0007 | Coast Guard Discharge Review Board | Yes | Verified | Type B |