This scheme allows the Foreign Trade Zones Board to either (1) make a final decision based on a recommended decision from the Executive Secretary, or (2) make a final decision based on appeals of the decisions of the Executive Secretary or the Assistant Secretary for Import Administration pursuant to the Foreign Trade-Zones Act. The scheme involves procedures by which to determine violations and the imposition of fines for a grantee's failure to submit an annual report or to comply with the uniform treatment requirement, or to suspend activated status when (1) an assessed fine has not been paid within 90 days of the deadline for payment; (2) there is a repeated and willful failure to comply with the Act or Board's regulations; or (3) there is a repeated and willful failure to comply with a prohibition or restriction imposed by the Board or Assistant Secretary for Import Administration.
Scheme Nickname:
Foreign Trade Zones Board
Types of Adjudication:
Type B
Verified by Agency:
Not verified
Is this a Major Adjudication: