Scheme Nickname:
Nondiscrimination re: federal financial assistance
Formal adjudication that provides recipient of, or applicant for, USAID assistance with opportunity for hearing relating to notice of failure to comply with nondiscrimination requirements under various civil rights statutes (e.g., Title VI, Rehabilitation Act, Age Discrimination Act, Title IX). Findings of noncompliance may result in suspension or termination of existing USAID funding, or refusal to grant or continue USAID funding. (22 CFR Parts 209, 217, 218 & 229)
Types of Adjudication:
Type A
Other Comments:
Any final decision must be approved by the Administrator, and the Administrator must also file a "full written report of the circumstances and the grounds for the action" with the House and Senate committees having legislative jurisdiction over the program, and wait for 30 days to elapse, before any order suspending, terminating, or refusing to grant federal financial assistance can become effective. (22 CFR 209.8(c), 209.10)
Verified by Agency:
Not verified
Is this a Major Adjudication: