Displaying 201 - 300 of 364
# | Agency | Office Name | Title | Can parties cross-examine witnesses? | If "Other/Varies by Case," please describe | Verified by Agency |
201 | Farm Credit Administration | Unknown | FCAOCIVP0004 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Yes | Not verified | |
202 | Farm Credit Administration | Unknown | FCAOCLAM0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Not verified | ||
203 | Farm Credit Administration | Credit Review Committee | FCAOLOAN0002 - Hearing Level - Procedures | No | Not verified | |
204 | Farm Credit Administration | Unknown | FCAOSUSR0003 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Not verified | |
205 | Federal Communications Commission | Office of Administrative Law Judges | FCCOCOLL0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Not verified | |
206 | Federal Communications Commission | Office of Administrative Law Judges | FCCOEAJA0002 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Adjudication Officer Discretion | Not verified | |
207 | Federal Communications Commission | Commission | FCCOEQUI0003 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Not verified | ||
208 | Federal Communications Commission | Investigations and Hearings Division | FCCOINHD0004 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Yes | The Administrative Law Judge drafts the initial decision. | Not verified |
209 | Federal Communications Commission | Enforcement Bureau | FCCOMDRD0007 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Yes | Not verified | |
210 | Federal Communications Commission | Enforcement Bureau | FCCOMDRD0008 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Yes | Not verified | |
211 | Federal Communications Commission | Enforcement Bureau | FCCOMDRD0009 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Not verified | ||
212 | Federal Communications Commission | Enforcement Bureau | FCCOMDRD0010 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Not verified | ||
213 | Federal Communications Commission | Enforcement Bureau | FCCOTCCD0011 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Not verified | ||
214 | Federal Election Commission | Commission | FECOADMN0002 - Hearing Level - Procedures | N/A (Document-Only Hearings) | Verified | |
215 | Federal Election Commission | Commission | FECOREPA0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | No | The Commission's Office of General Counsel submits a draft Statement of Reasons to the Commission for its consideration, potential amendment, and ultimate adoption. | Verified |
216 | Federal Energy Regulatory Commission | Office of Administrative Law Judges and Dispute Resolution | FERCALJO0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Verified | |
217 | Federal Energy Regulatory Commission | Office of the Secretary | FERCCOMM0002 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Verified | |
218 | Federal Housing Finance Agency | Office of the Director | FHFACAPC0003 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Adjudication Officer Discretion | Not verified | |
219 | Federal Housing Finance Agency | Unknown | FHFADEBT0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Not verified | ||
220 | Federal Housing Finance Agency | Office of the Director | FHFAENFO0002 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Yes | Not verified | |
221 | Federal Labor Relations Authority | Federal Labor Relations Authority | FLRAARBI0008 - Hearing Level - Procedures | N/A (Document-Only Hearings) | Verified | |
222 | Federal Labor Relations Authority | Federal Labor Relations Authority | FLRABNEG0005 - Hearing Level - Procedures | N/A (Document-Only Hearings) | Verified | |
223 | Federal Labor Relations Authority | Office of the Regional Director (7 Regional Offices) | FLRABREP0003 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Yes | Verified | |
224 | Federal Labor Relations Authority | Office of Administrative Law Judges | FLRABULP0004 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Yes | Verified | |
225 | Federal Labor Relations Authority | Federal Service Impasses Panel | FLRAIMPP0007 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Yes | Verified | |
226 | Federal Labor Relations Authority | Office of the Regional Director (7 Regional Offices) | FLRAREPE0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Yes | Verified | |
227 | Federal Labor Relations Authority | Office of Administrative Law Judges | FLRAUNLP0002 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Yes | Verified | |
228 | Federal Labor Relations Authority | Foreign Service Impasse Disputes Panel | FLRABIMP0006 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Yes | Not verified | |
229 | Federal Maritime Commission | Office of Administrative Law Judges | FMCOSHIP0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Yes | Verified | |
230 | Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service | Budget & Finance | FMCSSOFF0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Verified | |
231 | Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service | Office of the Director | FMCSSUSD0002 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Suspending/debarring officials may, at their discretion, refer disputed material facts to "another official" (unspecified in regulations) to have him/her conduct a fact-finding hearing. When referred, the suspending/debarring official may only reject findings by the fact-finding official "after specifically determining them to be arbitrary, capricious, or clearly erroneous." (29 CFR 1471.750(b), 1471.845(c)). | Verified |
232 | Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission | Office of Administrative Law Judges | FMSHFADJ0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Yes | Verified | |
233 | Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission | Office of Administrative Law Judges | FMSHCITA0002 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Not verified | |
234 | Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission | Office of Administrative Law Judges | FMSHCONT0003 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Yes | Not verified | |
235 | Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission | Office of Administrative Law Judges | FMSHEAJA0004 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Not verified | ||
236 | Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board | Office of the Executive Director | FRTIBSOF0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Not verified | |
237 | Federal Trade Commission | Office of Administrative Law Judges | FTCAADJU0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Yes | Verified | |
238 | Foreign Claims Settlement Commission | Commission | FCSCADJU0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Verified | |
239 | Foreign Claims Settlement Commission | Commission | FCSCCLMS0002 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Not verified | |
240 | General Services Administration | Civilian Board of Contract Appeals | GSAOCBCA0004 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Verified | |
241 | General Services Administration | Office of the Chief Acquisition Officer | GSAOFARG0003 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Not verified | |
242 | General Services Administration | Office of the Administrator | GSAONPRC0002 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Not verified | |
243 | General Services Administration | Office of the General Counsel | GSAOPRFR0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Yes | Not verified | |
244 | Government Accountability Office | Contract Appeals Board | GAOOCONT0002 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Not verified | ||
245 | Government Accountability Office | Office of the General Counsel | GAOOBIDS0003 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Verified | ||
246 | Government Accountability Office | Personnel Appeals Board | GAOOPERS0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Verified | |
247 | Government Printing Office | Office of the Public Printer | GPROSUSD0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Not verified | |
248 | Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation | Office of the Executive Secretary | HSTFTERM0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | N/A (Document-Only Hearings) | Verified | |
249 | Institute for Museum and Library Services | Office of General Counsel | IMLSDBAR0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Suspending/debarring officials may, at their discretion, refer disputed material facts to another official for findings of fact. When referred, the suspending/debarring official may only reject findings by the fact-finding official "after specifically determining them to be arbitrary, capricious, or clearly erroneous." (2 CFR 180.750((b), 180.845(c)). | Verified |
250 | Institute for Museum and Library Services | Office of General Counsel | IMLSNOND0002 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Yes | * Decision by person other than the responsible Endowment (IMLS) official ("REO"): If the hearing is held by a hearing examiner, such hearing examiner will either make an initial decision, if so authorized, or certify the entire record including his/her recommended findings and proposed decision to the REO for a final decision. Where the initial decision is made by the hearing examiner, the applicant or recipient may, within 30 days, file with the REO his/her exceptions to the initial decision." (45 CFR 1110.10(a), see also 1110.10(b) and (c)) | Verified |
251 | Inter-American Foundation | Office of the General Counsel | IAFOSOFF0002 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Not verified | |
252 | Inter-American Foundation | Office of the President | IAFOSUSD0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Suspending/debarring officials may, at their discretion, refer disputed material facts to "another official" (unspecified in regulations) to have him/her conduct a fact-finding hearing. When referred, the suspending/debarring official may only reject findings by the fact-finding official "after specifically determining them to be arbitrary, capricious, or clearly erroneous." (22 CFR 1006.750(b), 1006.845(c)). | Not verified |
253 | James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation | Counsel to the Foundation | JMMFTERM0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | *Oral Hearing Conducted by ALJ:When hearings conducted by an ALJ, and the ALJ has authority to issue an initial decision, the applicant or recipient has 30 days to file exceptions after receiving a mailed copy of such decision. The "responsible Endowment official" may also take "own motion" review of initial decision. If ALJ hears case but does not have authority to issue initial decision, then he/she certifies hearing record and issues "recommended findings and proposed facts" to "responsible Endowment official" for issuance of a final decision. (45 CFR 1110.10(a)) * Hearings by "Responsible Endowment Official" (REO): If the REO conducts the oral hearing, or if only a written hearing, then the REO drafts the final decision. (45 1110.10(b) - (c)) | Not verified | |
254 | Legal Services Corporation | Office of the Inspector General | LSCIGIPA0003 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Verified | |
255 | Legal Services Corporation | Unknown | LSCOCOST0002 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Verified | ||
256 | Legal Services Corporation | Office of the Inspector General | LSCOCOST0003 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Verified | |
257 | Legal Services Corporation | Office of the Inspector General | LSCODBAR0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Verified | |
258 | Legal Services Corporation | Office of the Inspector General | LSCODSRR0004 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Verified | |
259 | Legal Services Corporation | Office of the President | LSCODTOF0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Yes | Verified | |
260 | Merit Systems Protection Board | Office of Regional Operations | MSPBAPPJ0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Not verified | ||
261 | Merit Systems Protection Board | Office of the Administrative Law Judge | MSPBORIG0002 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Not verified | ||
262 | Merit Systems Protection Board | Office of the Chairman | MSPBSOFF0003 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Not verified | |
263 | Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority | Appeal Office | MWAAPERM0002 - Hearing Level - Procedures | A "taxicab official" drafts the recommendation to suspend/revoke. The Airport Manager makes a finding based upon the record. | Not verified | |
264 | Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority | Office of Airports Authority Debarment Judge | MWAADBAR0004 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Not verified | ||
265 | Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority | Authority Employee Relations Council | MWAALABR0003 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Not verified | ||
266 | Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority | Unknown | MWAAPERM0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Not verified | ||
267 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Office of the General Counsel | NASANAOO0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Yes | Not verified | |
268 | National Archives and Records Administration | Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel | NARAISCA0003 - Hearing Level - Procedures | N/A (Document-Only Hearings) | Not verified | |
269 | National Archives and Records Administration | Office of the Archivist | NARAASOS0002 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Not verified | ||
270 | National Archives and Records Administration | Office of the Archivist | NARANDBS0004 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Not verified | |
271 | National Archives and Records Administration | Office of the Archivist | NARANDPB0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Suspending/debarring officials may, at their discretion, refer disputed material facts to "another official" (unspecified in regulations) to have him/her conduct a fact-finding hearing. When referred, the suspending/debarring official may only reject findings by the fact-finding official "after specifically determining them to be arbitrary, capricious, or clearly erroneous." (2 CFR 180.750(b), 180.845(c)). | Not verified |
272 | National Credit Union Administration | Board | NCUABDAP0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Not verified | |
273 | National Credit Union Administration | Board | NCUABDAP0002 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Not verified | |
274 | National Credit Union Administration | Office of the Executive Director | NCUADEBT0003 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Not verified | ||
275 | National Endowment for the Arts | Civil Rights Office | NEAOAGED0004 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Not verified | ||
276 | National Endowment for the Arts | Office of General Counsel | NEAODBAR0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Suspending/debarring officials may, at their discretion, refer disputed material facts to "another official" (unspecified in regulations) to have him/her conduct a fact-finding hearing. When referred, the suspending/debarring official may only reject findings by the fact-finding official "after specifically determining them to be arbitrary, capricious, or clearly erroneous." (2 CFR 180.750((b), 180.845(c)). | Not verified |
277 | National Endowment for the Arts | Office of the Chairman | NEAONOND0002 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Yes | *Oral Hearing Conducted by ALJ:When hearings conducted by an ALJ, and the ALJ has authority to issue an initial decision, the applicant or recipient has 30 days to file exceptions after receiving a mailed copy of such decision. The "responsible Endowment official" may also take "own motion" review of initial decision. If ALJ hears case but does not have authority to issue initial decision, then he/she certifies hearing record and issues "recommended findings and proposed facts" to "responsible Endowment official" for issuance of a final decision. (45 CFR 1110.10(a)) * Hearings by "Responsible Endowment Official" (REO): If the REO conducts the oral hearing, or if only a written hearing, then the REO drafts the final decision. (45 1110.10(b) - (c)) | Not verified |
278 | National Endowment for the Arts | Office of Management and Budget | NEAOOFFS0003 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Not verified | |
279 | National Endowment for the Humanities | Office of the General Counsel | NEHODBAR0002 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Suspending/debarring officials may, at their discretion, refer disputed material facts to "another official" (unspecified in regulations) to have him/her conduct a fact-finding hearing. When referred, the suspending/debarring official may only reject findings by the fact-finding official "after specifically determining them to be arbitrary, capricious, or clearly erroneous." (2 CFR 180.750((b), 180.845(c)). | Not verified |
280 | National Endowment for the Humanities | Office of the Chairman | NEHONOND0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | *Oral Hearing Conducted by ALJ:When hearings conducted by an ALJ, and the ALJ has authority to issue an initial decision, the applicant or recipient has 30 days to file exceptions after receiving a mailed copy of such decision. The "responsible Endowment official" may also take "own motion" review of initial decision. If ALJ hears case but does not have authority to issue initial decision, then he/she certifies hearing record and issues "recommended findings and proposed facts" to "responsible Endowment official" for issuance of a final decision. (45 CFR 1110.10(a)) * Hearings by "Responsible Endowment Official" (REO): If the REO conducts the oral hearing, or if only a written hearing, then the REO drafts the final decision. (45 1110.10(b) - (c)) | Not verified |
281 | National Endowment for the Humanities | Office of the General Counsel | NEHOOFFS0003 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Not verified | |
282 | National Indian Gaming Commission | Commission | NIGCGREG0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | For summary proceedings, the Commission conducts the "paper" hearing and issues a final decision. For evidentiary hearings, the presiding officer conducts the hearing and issues findings and a recommended decision to the Commission, which then issues the final decision. | Not verified |
283 | National Indian Gaming Commission | Division of Finance | NIGCSOFF0002 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Not verified | |
284 | National Labor Relations Board | Regional Offices | NLRBREPR0002 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Yes | Hearing Officers draft decisions in certain post-election hearing matters. Staff attorneys draft decisions to be issued by Regional Directors all pre-election and some post-election matters. | Verified |
285 | National Labor Relations Board | Division of Judges | NLRBULPC0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Yes | Verified | |
286 | National Science Foundation | Office of Budget, Finance and Award Management | NSFODEBT0002 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Not verified | ||
287 | National Science Foundation | Office of the General Counsel | NSFOFADJ0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Yes | Not verified | |
288 | National Science Foundation | Office of the Deputy Director | NSFOSUSD0003 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Suspending/debarring officials may, at their discretion, refer disputed material facts to "another official" (unspecified in regulations) to have him/her conduct a fact-finding hearing. When referred, the suspending/debarring official may only reject findings by the fact-finding official "after specifically determining them to be arbitrary, capricious, or clearly erroneous." (2 CFR 180.750(b), 180.845(c)). | Not verified |
289 | National Transportation Safety Board | Office of Administrative Law Judges | NTSBAPPE0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Verified | |
290 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | Office of the Secretary | NRCOIMEX0004 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | The Commission (or individual Commission members) -- which may or may not preside over import/export license hearings -- generally drafts the final decision. | Not verified |
291 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | Office of the Secretary | NRCOSUBJ0010 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | The Commission (or individual Commission members) -- which may or may not preside over import/export license hearings -- generally drafts the final decision. | Not verified |
292 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | Atomic Safety and Licensing Board | NRCOSUBL0005 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Adjudication Officer Discretion | The Commission (or individual Commission members) -- which may or may not preside over import/export license hearings -- generally drafts the final decision. | Not verified |
293 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | Office of the Secretary | NRCOSUBM0006 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Adjudication Officer Discretion | The Commission ordinarily presides over hearings and issues a written decision on the license transfer application. However, the Commission may also elect to refer the hearing to a designated presiding officer. If so referred, the presiding officer conducts the hearing and certifies the hearing record to the Commission, but he/she provides no proposed findings. (10 CFR 2.1309(b)(3), 2.1320(b)(3), 2.1331) | Not verified |
294 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | Atomic Safety and Licensing Board | NRCOSUBG0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | The Commission (or individual Commission members) -- which may or may not preside over import/export license hearings -- generally drafts the final decision. | Not verified |
295 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | Office of Administration | NRCFARSD0007 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | The suspending/debarring official may, at his/her discretion, refer matters involving disputed material facts to another presiding officer for a fact-finding (evidentiary) hearing. In such case, the presiding officer, at the conclusion of the fact-finding hearing, issues his/her proposed findings of fact. (48 CFR 9.406-3(d)(2)(ii), 9.407-3(d)(2)(ii) (FAR)) | Not verified |
296 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | Office of General Counsel | NRCOALJO0002 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Not verified | |
297 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | Office of Administration | NRCODATA0003 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Not verified | |
298 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | Office of Administration | NRCODBAR0011 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Suspending/debarring officials may, at their discretion, refer disputed material facts to "another official" (unspecified in regulations) to have him/her conduct a fact-finding hearing. When referred, the suspending/debarring official may only reject findings by the fact-finding official "after specifically determining them to be arbitrary, capricious, or clearly erroneous." (2 CFR 180.750(b), 180.845(c)). | Not verified |
299 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | Office of the Secretary | NRCOSUBO0009 - Hearing Level - Procedures | No | Because these are legislative hearings, they do not result per se in written decisions. If the Commission refers the hearing to a designated presiding officer, this officer, within 30 days of the close of the hearing, certifies the record to the Commission on each Commission-identified issue. The certification contains, among other things: the hearing transcript; list of participants and witnesses (with affiliations); list of documentary information or demonstrative information submitted; and, written answers by NRC staff to questions posed by presiding officer. The presiding officer may also, at his/her discretion, summarize the record and propose the resolution of the Commission-identified issues along with supporting bases. | Not verified |
300 | Occupational Safety & Health Review Commission | Office of the Chief Administrative Law Judge | OSHRADJU0001 - Hearing Level - Procedures | Varies by Case | Verified |