Displaying 1 - 85 of 85
# Agency Schemesort descending Nickname Is this Major Adjudication? Verified by Agency Types of Adjudication
1 Commodity Futures Trading Commission CFTCFORM0001 "Formal" Adjudication Yes Not verified Type A, Type B
2 Consumer Product Safety Commission CPSCPENA0001 Civil Penalty Assessment Yes Not verified Type A
3 Copyright Royalty Tribunal CRTRADJU0001 Yes Not verified Type B
4 Department of Homeland Security DHSCCGID0009 Coast Guard Security Card Application Appeal Yes Not verified Type B
5 Department of Homeland Security DHSCISAO0010 U.S. Citizen & Immigration Services Administrative Appeals Office Yes Not verified Type B
6 Department of the Interior DINTAHOC0005 Office of the Director / Ad Hoc Appeals Board Yes Not verified Type B, Unknown
7 Department of the Interior DINTBIAA0001 BIA Administrative Appeals Yes Not verified Type A, Type B
8 Department of the Interior DINTDEPT0004 Departmental Cases Hearings Divison Yes Not verified Type A, Type B
9 Department of the Interior DINTESAC0008 Exemptions under section 7(a)(2) of Endangered Species Act Yes Not verified Type A
10 Department of the Interior DINTIBLA0002 Interior Board of Land Appeals Yes Not verified Type A, Type B
11 Department of the Interior DINTONRR0006 Office of Natural Resources Revenue Yes Not verified Type A, Type B
12 Department of the Interior DINTPROB0003 Indian probate hearings Yes Not verified Type B
13 Department of the Interior DINTRECL0007 Bureau of Reclamation Yes Not verified Type B
14 Department of the Interior DINTSECY0009 Office of the Secretary Yes Not verified Type A, Type B
15 Department of Justice DOJXCLAS0014 Classified Information - Denial and Revocation of Access Yes Not verified Type B
16 Department of Justice DOJXDRUG0008 Civil Penalty for Possession of Controlled Substances Yes Not verified Type A
17 Department of Justice DOJXEOIR0003 EOIR Immigration Practitioner Disciplinary Proceedings Yes Not verified Type B
18 Department of Justice DOJXPSOB0013 Public Safety Officer Benefits Yes Not verified Type B
19 Department of State DOSFSGBA0001 Foreign Service Grievance Board Yes Not verified Type B
20 Department of State DOSOCSGO0002 Civil service grievances Yes Not verified Type B
21 Department of Transportation DOTRFAAD0001 Federal Aviation Administration violation proceedings Yes Not verified Type B
22 Department of Transportation DOTRFAAD0002 Federal Aviation Administration violation proceedings Yes Not verified Type B
23 Department of Transportation DOTRFAAD0003 Protest adjudication Yes Not verified Type B
24 Department of Transportation DOTRFMCS0004 Fed. Motor Carrier Safety Admin. civil penalty enforcement proceedings Yes Not verified
25 Department of Transportation DOTRFRRA0005 Railroad Hazmat civil penalty assessment Yes Not verified Type A
26 Department of Transportation DOTRMERC0006 Merchant Marine Act/Merchant Ship Sales Act proceedings (Maritime Administration) Yes Not verified
27 Department of Transportation DOTRNHTS0007 NHTSA proceedings Yes Not verified Type A
28 Department of Transportation DOTROOSE0009 Office of the Secretary Yes Not verified Type A
29 Department of Transportation DOTRPIPE0010 Hazmat order petitions for review Yes Not verified Type A
30 Department of Transportation DOTRPRFR0011 DOT Program Fraud and Lobbying Violation hearings Yes Not verified
31 Department of Transportation DOTRSECR0013 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Yes Not verified Type A
32 Department of Transportation DOTRTOLL0015 Joint Tolls Review Board proceedings (St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corp.) Yes Not verified
33 Department of Veterans Affairs DOVAPFCR0007 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Yes Not verified Type A
34 Environmental Protection Agency EPACERCL0007 CERCLA 106(b) reimbursement claims Yes Not verified Type B
35 Environmental Protection Agency EPAOPRMT0006 Permit adjudications Yes Not verified Type B
36 Federal Communications Commission FCCOCOLL0001 Salary offset Yes Not verified Type B
37 Federal Communications Commission FCCOEAJA0002 EAJA fees Yes Not verified Type A
38 Federal Communications Commission FCCOEQUI0003 Authorization of radio frequency equipment and components Yes Not verified Type B
39 Federal Communications Commission FCCOINHD0004 Forfeiture proceedings Yes Not verified Type B
40 Federal Communications Commission FCCOMDRD0007 Enforcement hearings Yes Not verified Type B
41 Federal Communications Commission FCCOMDRD0008 Formal complaints against common carriers Yes Not verified Type B
42 Federal Communications Commission FCCOMDRD0009 Pole attachment complaints Yes Not verified Type B
43 Federal Communications Commission FCCOMDRD0010 Formal open internet complaints Yes Not verified Type B
44 Federal Communications Commission FCCOTCCD0011 Accessibility of telecommunications equipment & services to persons with disabilities Yes Not verified Type B
45 Federal Labor Relations Authority FLRABIMP0006 Foreign Service Labor Relations Board Impasse Disputes Panel Yes Not verified
46 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System FRSXOFIA0001 Office of Financial Institution Adjudication Yes Not verified Type A
47 Government Accountability Office GAOOCONT0002 Contract Appeals Board Yes Not verified Type B
48 Department of Health and Human Services HHSOCRDB0009 HHS Civil Remedies Under HIPPA Yes Not verified Type A
49 Department of Labor LABRDFEC0007 Labor DFEC Yes Not verified Type B
50 Department of Labor LABROALJ0003 Labor ALJ + MSHA Yes Not verified Type A
51 Merit Systems Protection Board MSPBAPPJ0001 "Main" (informal) adjudication scheme - Administrative Judges Yes Not verified Type B
52 Merit Systems Protection Board MSPBORIG0002 Formal ALJ adjudication - primarily original jurisdiction cases Yes Not verified Type A, Type B
53 Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority MWAADBAR0004 DC airports-debarment Yes Not verified Type B
54 Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority MWAALABR0003 DC airports-labor Yes Not verified Type B
55 Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority MWAAPERM0002 DC airports- taxi permit appeals Yes Not verified Type B
56 National Archives and Records Administration NARAISCA0003 Review of declassification appeals by ISCAP Yes Not verified Type B
57 National Credit Union Administration NCUABDAP0001 Board Appeal (Formal) Yes Not verified Type A
58 National Credit Union Administration NCUABDAP0002 Board Appeal (Informal) Yes Not verified Type B
59 Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRCOIMEX0004 Import/export hearings Yes Not verified Unknown
60 Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRCOSUBG0001 Formal adjudication under Subpart G Yes Not verified Type A, Type B
61 Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRCOSUBJ0010 HLW repository applications under Subpart J Yes Not verified Unknown
62 Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRCOSUBL0005 Simplified hearings under Subparts C/L Yes Not verified Type B
63 Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRCOSUBM0006 License transfers under Subpart M Yes Not verified Unknown
64 Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRCPATLI0008 Patent licenses under Part 81 Yes Not verified Type B
65 Office of the Comptroller of the Currency OCCXALJS0001 Comptroller ALJ processes Yes Not verified Type A
66 Office of the Comptroller of the Currency OCCXDISA0004 Comptroller - disapproving Board of Directors/senior execs Yes Not verified Type B
67 Office of the Comptroller of the Currency OCCXIFML0002 Comptroller - presiding officer-Comp informal Yes Not verified Type B
68 Office of the Comptroller of the Currency OCCXLCNS0003 Comptroller - licensing Yes Not verified Type B
69 Securities and Exchange Commission SECOAOFF0001 Yes Not verified Type B
70 Securities and Exchange Commission SECOEAJA0002 Yes Not verified Type B
71 Securities and Exchange Commission SECOFFDI0003 Yes Not verified Type B
72 Securities and Exchange Commission SECOOALJ0004 Yes Not verified Type B
73 Securities and Exchange Commission SECOSOFF0005 Yes Not verified Type B
74 Department of the Treasury TRSYIRSA0008 IRS Office of Appeals Yes Not verified Type B
75 Department of Agriculture USDAOALJ0001 Main formal (APA) hearings scheme Yes Not verified Type A, Type B
76 Department of Commerce USDCDUMP0006 Anti-Dumping Procedures Yes Not verified Type B
77 Department of Commerce USDCFORM0018 Formal Adjudication in the Office of the Secretary Yes Not verified Type A
78 Department of Commerce USDCFTZB0005 Foreign Trade Zones Board Yes Not verified Type B
79 Department of Commerce USDCNNAO0013 National Appeals Office Yes Not verified Type B
80 Department of Commerce USDCNOAA0009 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Formal Scheme Yes Not verified Type A
81 United States Parole Commission USPCCOMP0003 Mental Competency Proceedings Yes Not verified Type B
82 United States Parole Commission USPCLABR0005 Certificates of Exemption from Labor Act and Pension Act Yes Not verified Type A
83 United States Parole Commission USPCMAIN0001 Main Scheme Yes Not verified Type B
84 United States Parole Commission USPCREVC0004 Revocation of Parole Yes Not verified Type B
85 United States Parole Commission USPCTRNF0002 Transfer by Treaty Yes Not verified Type B