Scheme Nickname: 
Interior Board of Land Appeals

Department of the Interior Board of Land Appeals (IBLA). IBLA has the authority to consider the following types of cases:
--Appeals from a variety of decisions of the Bureau of Land Management, including but not limited to decisions regarding mining, grazing, energy development, royalty management, timber harvesting, wildfire management, recreation, wild horse and burro management, cadastral surveys, Alaska land conveyances, rights of way, land exchanges, and trespass actions;
--Appeals from decisions of the Office of Natural Resources Revenue and the Deputy Assistant Secretary - Natural Resources Revenue regarding royalty management;
--Appeals from decisions of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement;
--Appeals from decisions of the Bureau of Indian Affairs regarding minerals management on Indian lands;
--Appeals from decisions of the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement regarding surface coal mining operations; and
-- Appeals from decisions of administrative law judges in OHA's Departmental Cases Hearings Division.

Comments/Notes on Adjudication Structure: 
IBLA is headed by a Chief Administrative Judge. Its decisions are final for the Department and may be appealed to the United States district courts. IBLA has the authority to send some cases to the Departmental Cases Hearings Division for hearings.
Types of Adjudication: 
Type A
Type B
Resources & Articles:
Verified by Agency: 
Not verified
Is this a Major Adjudication: 