Displaying 1 - 133 of 133
Agency Namesort ascending Abbreviation Agency ID Agency Type Does this agency conduct any administrative “adjudications” ?
United States Trade and Development Agency USTDA 27200 IA No
United States Sentencing Commission USSC 40200 J No
United States Postal Service USPS 29400 GC/O Yes
United States Peace Corps USPC 25500 IA Yes
United States Parole Commission USPC 9200 E Yes
United States International Trade Commission ITC 27100 IRA Yes
United States Institute of Peace USIP 29300 GC/O No
United States Election Assistance Commission USEAC 27000 IC Yes
United States Commission on Civil Rights USCCR 26900 IC Yes
United States Botanic Garden USBG 30600 L No
United States Agency for International Development USAID 26800 IA Yes
United States African Development Foundation USADF 26700 IC Yes
Tennessee Valley Authority TVA 29200 GC/O Yes
Surface Transportation Board STB 26600 IRA Yes
State Justice Institute SJI 29100 GC/O No
Social Security Advisory Board SSAB 26500 IC No
Social Security Administration SSA 26400 IA Yes
Small Business Administration SBA 26300 IA Yes
Selective Service System SSS 26200 IA Yes
Securities Investor Protection Corporation SIPC 29000 GC/O No
Securities and Exchange Commission SEC 26100 IA Yes
Railroad Retirement Board RRB 26000 IC Yes
Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board PCLO 25800 IC No
Postal Regulatory Commission PRC 25700 IRA Yes
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation PBGC 25600 GC/O Yes
Overseas Private Investment Corporation OPIC 28900 GC/O Yes
Office of the United States Trade Representative USTR 16700 E No
Office of the Federal Coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects OFCA 25400 IA No
Office of the Director of National Intelligence ODNI 25300 IA No
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency OCC 13100 E Yes
Office of Special Counsel OSC 25200 IA No
Office of Science and Technology Policy OSTP 16600 E No
Office of Personnel Management OPM 25100 IA Yes
Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation ONHIR 25000 IA Yes
Office of National Drug Control Policy ONDCP 16500 E Yes
Office of Management and Budget OMB 16400 E Yes
Office of Government Ethics OGE 24900 IA No
Occupational Safety & Health Review Commission OSHRC 24800 IRA Yes
Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRC 24700 IRA Yes
National Transportation Safety Board NTSB 24600 IRA Yes
National Security Education Board NSEB 24500 IC No
National Security Council Staff NSC 16300 E No
National Science Foundation NSF 24400 IC Yes
National Railroad Passenger Corporation NRPC 25900 GC/O No
National Mediation Board NMB 24300 IRA No
National Labor Relations Board NLRB 24200 IRA Yes
National Institute of Building Sciences NIBS 28800 GC/O No
National Indian Gaming Commission NIGC 12100 E Yes
National Endowment for the Humanities NEH 24150 IA Yes
National Endowment for the Arts NEA 24125 IA Yes
National Credit Union Administration NCUA 24000 IRA Yes
National Council on Disability NCD 23900 IC No
National Consumer Cooperative Bank NCCB 28700 GC/O No
National Capital Planning Commission NCPC 23800 IC No
National Archives and Records Administration NARA 23700 IA Yes
National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA 23600 IA Yes
Morris K. Udall Scholarship Foundation MKUF 23500 IC No
Mississippi River Commission MRC 28600 GC/O No
Millennium Challenge Corporation MCC 23400 IC No
Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority MWAA 28500 GC/O Yes
Merit Systems Protection Board MSPB 23300 IRA Yes
Library of Congress LOC 30500 L Yes
Legal Services Corporation LSC 23200 IC Yes
James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation JMMFF 23100 IC Yes
Internal Revenue Service Oversight Board IRSOB 13100 E No
Inter-American Foundation IAF 23000 IC Yes
Institute for Museum and Library Services IMLS 24175 IA Yes
Independent Payment Advisory Board IPAB 22800 IC No
Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation HTSF 22700 IC Yes
Government Printing Office GPO 30400 L Yes
Government Accountability Office GAO 30300 L Yes
General Services Administration GSA 22600 IA Yes
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission FCSC 9100 E Yes
Federal Trade Commission FTC 22500 IRA Yes
Federal Supplementary Medication Insurance Trust Fund Board FSMI 22400 IC No
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board FRTIB 22300 IC Yes
Federal National Mortgage Association FNMA 28300 GC/O No
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission FMSH 22100 IRA Yes
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service FMCS 22000 IA Yes
Federal Maritime Commission FMC 21900 IRA Yes
Federal Labor Relations Authority FLRA 21800 IRA Yes
Federal Judicial Center FJC 40100 J No
Federal Housing Finance Agency FHFA 21700 IA Yes
Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund Board FHITF 21600 IC No
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission FERC 5100 E Yes
Federal Election Commission FEC 21500 IRA Yes
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC 21400 IRA Yes
Federal Communications Commission FCC 21300 IRA Yes
Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation FAMC 21700 GC/O No
Farm Credit Administration FCA 21200 IRA Yes
Export-Import Bank of the United States EIB 28200 GC/O No
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission EEOC 21100 IRA Yes
Environmental Protection Agency EPA 21000 IA Yes
Department of Veterans Affairs VA 15000 E Yes
Department of Transportation DOT 14000 E Yes
Department of the Treasury TRSY 13000 E Yes
Department of the Navy NAVY 3300 E Yes
Department of the Interior DINT 12000 E Yes
Department of the Army ARMY 3200 E Yes
Department of the Air Force AIRF 3100 E Yes
Department of State DOS 11000 E Yes
Department of Labor DOL 10000 E Yes
Department of Justice DOJ 9000 E Yes
Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD 8000 E Yes
Department of Homeland Security DHS 7000 E Yes
Department of Health and Human Services HHS 6000 E Yes
Department of Energy DOEN 5000 E Yes
Department of Education DOE 4000 E Yes
Department of Defense DOD 3000 E Yes
Department of Commerce DOC 2000 E Yes
Department of Agriculture USDA 1000 E Yes
Delta Regional Authority DRA 28100 GC/O No
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board DNFSB 20900 IRA No
Council on Environmental Quality CEP 16200 E No
Council of Economic Advisers COE 16100 E No
Corporation for Public Broadcasting CPB 20800 IC No
Corporation for National and Community Service CNCS 20700 IC Yes
Copyright Royalty Tribunal CRB 30510 L Yes
Consumer Product Safety Commission CPSC 20600 IRA Yes
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau CFPB 22250 IRA Yes
Congressional Research Service CRS 30200 L No
Congressional Budget Office CBO 30100 L No
Commodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC 20500 IRA Yes
Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board CSHIB 20400 IRA No
Central Intelligence Agency CIA 20300 IA Yes
Broadcasting Board of Governors BBG 20200 IC Yes
Board of Veterans' Appeals BVA 15100 E Yes
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System FRB 22200 IRA Yes
Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program BGSEE 20100 IC No
Architect of the Capitol ACAP 30000 L No
Appalachian Regional Commission ARC 28000 GC/O No
Administrative Office of the United States Courts AOC 40000 J No
Administrative Conference of the United States ACUS 20000 IC No