Case Type Number: 
Statute (Common Name): 
The Byrd Amendment
Program Area: 
Regulatory Authorities (CFR): 
41 CFR 105-68.600 - 105-68.645; 41 CFR 105-68.800 - 105-68.885
Filed By: 
Private Party/Individual
Brief Description of Case Type: 
This type of case is for debarment of individuals participating in nonprocurement programs of the GSA. While debarment may generally be imposed for the same causes as suspension (e.g., convictions or civil judgments based on fraud, forgery or bribery), debarment generally lasts for a longer, set time period not to exceed three years. See 41 CFR 105-68.865.
Relief Available in Actions Filed By Private Parties: 
Reversal of Finding of Violation/Imposition of Penalty
Verified by Agency: 
Not verified