See description for USPSJOAJ0001. Both USPSJOAJ0001 and USPSJOJO0002 hear the same types of cases but vary in terms of hearing and appeals officers. The "Judicial Officer and Office of Administrative Law Judge" is part of the Judicial Officer Department at USPS. The office hears cases on a range of USPS issues, including misuse of mail (mail fraud, distribution of periodicals, shipping of hazardous materials, recovery of postage), employee debt, and mail withholding (See 39 CFR 952-952, 957-966). These are all Type A proceedings, and remedies depend on the specific issues involved.
When a dispute arises under the jurisdiction of the Office, the hearing can be held by either an Administrative Law Judge or the Judicial Officer. If the case is heard by the Administrative Law Judge, then it can usually be appealed to the Judicial Officer. If the case is heard by the Judicial Officer, it cannot be appealed within the agency. Most of the case types overlap; although a few case types specify whether an ALJ or the Judicial Officer is the hearing officer, most leave the decision of the rank of the hearing officer to the discretion of the Office.
USPSJOAJ0001 includes cases in which the initial hearing officer is an ALJ (and the Judicial Officer responsible for Level 1 Appeals). USPSJOJO0002 includes cases in which the Judicial Officer hears cases, and there is no appeals level.