Scheme Nickname: 
Inspection of Fisheries-Debarment

This adjudication scheme deals with debarment hearings under the authority of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), a component of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. NMFS provides necessary inspection services for fish, shellfish, and fishery products to the industry pursuant to the 1946 Agricultural Act.

On a finding of certain violations, a facility normally inspected by NMFS can be temporarily suspended and subsequently debarred from using the services of NMFS inspection, essentially preventing the facility from operating legally.

NOTE: The decisions of a Hearing Examiner can be appealed to the Secretary of Commerce, who may designate any officer or employee of the NMFS to fulfill his duties.

Types of Adjudication: 
Type B
Verified by Agency: 
Not verified
Is this a Major Adjudication: 