Scheme Nickname:
Formal adjudication - enforcement actions
FTC's formal adjudication scheme in which ALJs (or, alternatively, one or more Commission members) serve as presiding officers. Substantive matters heard include: (a) administrative enforcement actions under a variety of federal trade laws within the Commission's jurisdiction; and (b) adjudicative hearings in rulemaking proceedings under the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act for receipt of evidence in certain circumstances. A proceeding commences when Commission affirmatively votes to issue a complaint. FTC-style formal adjudication is very formal, with rules of practice and procedure akin to those in federal district court.
Comments/Notes on Adjudication Structure:
Presiding officer for hearings can be either an ALJ, or one or more Commission members sitting as ALJs.
Types of Adjudication:
Type A
Resources & Articles:
FTC Adjudication Decisions:
Distinctive Features:
FTC not only uses e-filing for pleadings/documents filed in formal adjudicative proceedings, but also has free online access to case dockets on the FTC website ( Commission decisions on review of formal adjudications are also posted online on the agency's website.
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Is this a Major Adjudication: