Scheme Nickname: 
Internal enforcement of nondiscrimination in EEOC e-information

Informal proceedings to review and adjudicate complaints by agency employees under sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, which requires that federal agencies ensure accessibility of both agency programs and electronic and information technology. (29 Part 1615).

Comments/Notes on Adjudication Structure: 
An employee initially files a complaint with EEOC's Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) as an individual or as a class representative. OEO then investigates the complaint and, within 180 days, the Commission notifies the complainant-employee of the results of the investigation and issues a letter with its findings of fact and conclusions of law and remedy (if any). Appeals from such letter decisions must be filed with the EEOC Chair. The Chair drafts a written decision and circulates to all Commission members. If another Commission members believes an appeal raises a policy issue, he/she informs the Chair. When no such notice is directed to the Chair, the Chair's decision becomes the final agency action. Otherwise, the case is resolved by vote of the the full Commission.
Types of Adjudication: 
Type B
Verified by Agency: 
Is this a Major Adjudication: 