Case Type Number: 
Statute (Common Name): 
Metropolitan Washington Airports Act of 1986
Program Area: 
Labor Relations/Whistleblower
Regulatory Authorities (CFR): 
MWAR 2.5-2.7 (not in CFR)
Filed By: 
Private Party/Individual
Federal Agency
Brief Description of Case Type: 
Union representation petitions (Representation Matters Panel): relates mostly to certification of units for collective bargaining purposes or asserting that a certified union no longer represents the majority of employees in a unit. See also MWAA Professional Fire Fighters Ass'n Local 3217 v. United States, 959 F.2d 297 (D.C. Cir. 1992) (supporting judicial deference arguments pertaining to MWAA's Labor Code).
Relief Available in Actions Filed By Private Parties: 
Relief Available in Actions Filed by Agency: 
Verified by Agency: 
Not verified