Case Type Number: 
Statute (Common Name): 
Program Area: 
Regulatory Authorities (CFR): 
5 CFR 930.208
Filed By: 
Federal Agency
Brief Description of Case Type: 
Under Interagency Agreements approved by the Office of Personnel Management, ALJs from EPA's Office of Administrative Law Judges conducts hearings on behalf of other agencies that do not have ALJs or do not have a sufficient number of ALJs to manage existing dockets. EPA's ALJs conduct adjudicatory proceeding on behalf of NOAA under a variety of statutes (e.g., Marine Mammal Protection Act, Endangered Species Act, Magnuson-Stevens Sustainable Fisheries Act, etc.), but does not maintain statistics on those matters in the routine course of business. Currently pending on EPA's OALJ docket are three cases from the Patent and Trademark Office and another from the Merit Systems Protection Board. Recently, after a major accident in a West Virginia mine, EPA adjudicated approximately 100 cases for the Federal Mine Safety and Health Commission to assist that agency to decrease a then pending backlog.
Relief Available in Actions Filed by Agency: 
Finding of Violation/Non-Compliance
Verified by Agency: 