Case Type Number: 
Statute (Common Name): 
Clean Air Act
Program Area: 
Regulatory Authorities (CFR): 
40 CFR pt. 85, subpts. H & S; 40 CFR 85.1406(f), 85.1807
Filed By: 
Brief Description of Case Type: 
Proceedings related to notice of nonconformity and proposed recall by EPA under the Clean Air Act to manufacturers of certain types of engines or vehicle parts when a substantial number of a class or category of engines fail to conform to applicable emissions standards. Types of engines covered include: new and in-use nonroad compression-ignition engines; marine compression engines; rebuilt urban bus parts; and certain automobile engines.
Relief Available in Actions Filed by Agency: 
Finding of Violation/Non-Compliance
Revocation/Suspension/Restriction of Existing Right or Privilege
Other Agency Enforcement Action (General)
Relief Available in Actions Filed by Any Party: 
Verified by Agency: 