Case Type Number: 
Statute (Common Name): 
Clean Air Act
Program Area: 
Regulatory Authorities (CFR): 
40 CFR pt. 60, subpt. AAA
Filed By: 
Private Party/Individual
Federal Agency
Brief Description of Case Type: 
Proceedings related to emission performance standards for new residential wood heaters. Actions may be filed by: (a) manufacturers seeking review of EPA denial of applications for certificates of conformance for wood heater products/product lines, (b) laboratories seeking review of denials of accreditation for wood heater certification testing, or (c) EPA seeking to revoke a manufacturer's existing certification or a laboratory's existing accreditation due to violation of program requirements.
Relief Available in Actions Filed By Private Parties: 
Reversal of Decision Denying Request/Application
Relief Available in Actions Filed by Agency: 
Finding of Violation/Non-Compliance
Revocation/Suspension/Restriction of Existing Right or Privilege
Verified by Agency: 