Case Type Number: 
Statute (Common Name): 
Debarment and Suspension (EO 12549, EO 12689)
Program Area: 
Regulatory Authorities (CFR): 
2 CFR pr. 180, subpt. G
Filed By: 
Federal Agency
Brief Description of Case Type: 
Proceeding in which the respondent may contest a Notice of Suspension from government-wide nonprocurement activities. Suspensions, which take effect immediately, are intended to be temporary exclusions from covered transactions pending completion of investigation or legal proceeding. Suspensions may last no longer than 12 months, unless a federal prosecuting official (such as a U.S. Attorney) requests an extension of up to 6 months in writing. In no event may a suspension last more than 18 months. Suspensions are entered on the government-wide Excluded Persons List System (EPLS).
Relief Available in Actions Filed by Agency: 
Revocation/Suspension/Restriction of Existing Right or Privilege
Verified by Agency: 