Scheme Nickname: 
Administrative Review Branch appeals

Final administrative review by the Administrative Review Board of appeals by participating firms, retailers. vendors, sponsors, and state agencies aggrieved by program decisions by USDA/FNS officials related to various food and nutrition programs (e.g., SNAP, Summer Food Service Program, Adult Care food program, Quality Control sanctions).

Comments/Notes on Adjudication Structure: 
Types of Adjudication: 
Type B
Resources & Articles: 
USDA SNAP Retailer Management 2013 Annual Report:
Other Comments: 
According to the ARB's 2013 Annual Report, there 1,239 requests for review filed in FY2013. The vast majority (90%) of FNS initial determinations were upheld. More specifically, of cases decided in FY2013, ARB final decisions broke down as follows: sustained FNS decision (90%); reversed FNS decision (1%); modified FNS decision (2%); cases mooted by appellant withdrawal or for other reasons (8%). SNAP program appeals represent the bulk of ARB's caseload.
Verified by Agency: 
Is this a Major Adjudication: 