Scheme Nickname: 
Denial of refunding

Informal proceedings in which an existing AmeriCorps*VISTA grantee or contractor may challenge CNCS's notice of intent to to reject application for refunding or reduce funding to 80% or less of the applied-for level. CNCS action may be based on either substantial failure to comply with Corporation policy or program objectives, or failure to comply with grant terms based on wrongdoing of recipient. (45 CFR Part 1206, Subpt. B)

Types of Adjudication: 
Type B
Distinctive Features: 
By regulation, CNCS will, upon request, pay travel and per diem expenses for up to 2 representatives of the grantee/contractor to the hearing location. Hearings are held in the area where the grantee/contractor are located, a CNCS service center or state office, or other appropriate location. (45 CFR 1206.2-4(e))
Verified by Agency: 
Not verified
Is this a Major Adjudication: 